Thursday, August 26, 2010

miss morgan

advice should never be sour.
[says myself]

tonight i met a lovely girl.
her mind is wandering.
she is a beautiful soul.

we shared secrets and deep words.
it makes me see a brighter light.
a much brighter light.
this day should come by the dozens, we need more conversation, this world.

this is all i had to say. goodnight.

Monday, August 23, 2010

the now

my yesterday.
just as amazing as it seems.

and now what i would do for Taco Bell or Gatti's Pizza.

before the night is over i will blow you a kiss goodnight.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


There are a few things i'd like to throw
and a few things i'd like to keep.
This is one thing i don't ever want to be without.
i am in love with this creature
and i have to make some changes and toss some of my ways to have a happily ever after
sometimes we have to make changes for the ones we love

don't worry i'll still be courtney

Monday, August 16, 2010


daniel paul johns

Sunday, August 15, 2010


next big thing- in my next life.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


the most horrible, most embarrassing things happened last night.
i will keep my mouth shut.

not tell a word about it.
you know nothing more than you do now.

† † † † † † † † † † † † † † †
† † † † † † † † † † † † † † †

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


currently i can't decide what to wear.
therefore i will look to the sky and be furious.

turn the radio up

this is what you make it.
this is what i made.

you must read.

i don't know how long this will last.
[the me posting twice in a row in the same day again shit]

*don't get me wrong it's amazing, i enjoy it, i love it.

but often i find myself busy.. and then when the working day is over i find myself without a plan in the world.
and then i sit and think... Hmmm what the fuck am i going to do now... sometimes nothing, sometimes i watch reruns of SouthPark or Tosh.o thanks to my boyfriend and his friends. These things aren't my savior. these things aren't things i REALLY enjoy.. but i do them.

it sucks when i have listened to my whole Itunes library about 6789 times,
it sucks to think about my current hair color and then sit on my mac and look through old photos and then get up to go to the bathroom where i have to face myself in the mirror again and again and again, telling myself to stfu and love who i am and what i've become.
my bf tells me to love myself first and everything else will fall into line, that im beautiful and that he loves me.
(thats an actual text from this morning as i am driving to work)

i wanted to surprise myself this afternoon with a box color (or two) and just fucking change myself.
but will tat really change me, or will that change my appearance??
could i in fact change my outlook by the color of my hair.. HMM this got me thinking..

but no.
No i didn't buy the dye, no i didn't go out for a drink, no i didn't phone a friend or use my 50/50 i just sat back and started typing.

in this little box on my computer screen.
type type type type type

still typing my fingers away.
deleting and punctuating.

will i sleep like a solider tonight?
will i sleep at all.

So here's to tonight,
may she hold me tight and kiss my head.
tell me things are going to fucking calm down and that i should just learn to know like and eventually love myself for everything i am and everything i am becoming.
thankfully for me i will be held in the arms of the one i love.
my comfort and my constant, my man.

-- yeah yeah enough already with the mushy shit--

as for now, i'll be right here updating this page with all the things i am going to find here on the ole' internet since i have no plans.


don't lose yourself, don't let yourself be lost...

First things first...
(google: Kosher Dill)
i don't remember a lot these days.
yet i remember how things used to feel.
(when i finally remember)