Tuesday, August 11, 2009

old videos.

this was sometime this past year, in the winter, when i was with krysten at sonic.
i swear all of my videos are taken at sonic, it's the one place i think to video...
reminds me of the commercials so we try to remake one, only krysten forgot the plan (she forgot we were recording, and then the waitress order taker SUCKED and it fucked up the whole thing, im pretty sure it makes it even better when its not intentional!!) So instead i look like a dumbass. haha love it xo.

A G A I N 
another sonic video, i told you.
this was this year with my little kitten mama megan. 
i dont know when it went from a wholesome informative dance video to sex education
to be the caption, but it did.
you have been warned.
and me and megan look ridiculous... love her.

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